What is Cation Conductivity?
Cation conductivity is one of the best ways to monitor contaminants within a stream or water sample. It can also be called Conductivity after Ion Exchange (CACE), Acid Conductivity, or After-Exchange Conductivity.How Does it work?
Ions or Ionic species; are present in a sample stream because compounds break down (dissolve) in water. High process temperatures accelerate this process. Other measurements are used to identify other contaminants in the system.These ions can be positively charged (cations), including sodium, copper, iron, manganese, and hydrogen negatively charged (anions), like chlorides and sulfates, which are of particular concern as they are sources of corrosion. Cation Conductivity separates the positively charged ions from the process stream in a in a cation resin column.
What is Specific Conductivity?
Specific conductivity (SC) measures the mixture of dissolved ions (salts) in water. It indicates that a measurement has been standardized to 25 degrees Celsius. As ionic concentration increases, so does specific concentration. Measuring the SC levels is a quick and inexpensive practice.Sampling of Equipment
Significant changes in conductivity may be an indicator that a pollutant has entered the stream. Conductivity is measured with a probe and meter that are inserted into the stream. The drop in voltage caused by the water's resistance is used to calculate the conductivity per centimeter. It is essential to maintain appropriate conductivity measurement while minimizing costs with Sentry's refillable resin columns. The Sentry refillable ion exchange columns make resin replacement easy and economical, minimizing channeling and achieving a higher resin efficiency than competitive columns with inefficient column diameters. Each column is designed to ensure plug-free flow and reduce channeling.With over 100 years of experience, our team is prepared to show you the variety of sizes and will ensure the correct column for you will meet your application. Contact us at +1-262-567-7256 or fill out or online Contact Us Form.

Written by Sentry Equipment
With proven sampling expertise since 1924, Sentry products and services provide business operations the critical insights to optimize process control and product quality. We deliver true representative sampling and analysis techniques to customers around the globe, empowering them to accurately monitor and measure processes for improved production efficiency, output and safety. Standing behind our commitments, we are determined to tackle any application, anywhere.
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